Saturday, May 11, 2024

In case you wondered …

How Netflix's A Man in Full changed the book's ending. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

I met Tom Wolfe once — at the White House of all places. He seemed very nice.

1 comment:

  1. I was and am a huge admirer of Tom Wolfe, from his new journalism pieces to his nonfiction books to his novels. I read "A Man in Full" when it came out. Although I knew little about Atlanta's elites, I saw both the pinpoint accuracy and satire of the characters and situations. The writing was also sharp and biting. I watched the mini-series and although Jeff Daniels was very good, as well as Bill Camp, one of the best character actors in the business today, and the fine other supporting players, I found the series lacking the Tom Wolfe touch. Skip the mini-series and read the novel.
