Thursday, September 05, 2024

A poem …

Your Octopussy

With eight arms I could love you better.

You could call me your Octopussy.

With eight arms things would go swimmingly.

And how intriguing, if we would boogie.

If I was a blow-fish I could do it better.

Of any sex-fish I could do it best.

With ocean beings it's much more juicy

In fact, in fiction, and in jest.

With a fish tail you could catch me better.

Reel me in hook, line, and sinker.

Could you love me transmogrified?

We all do change, with a flop, and a whimper.

Never a dull moment when your out to sea.

For now, be happy with your Octapussy.

                                            by Jennifer Knox


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:47 PM

    “You’re” instead of “your” in next to last line …
