Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Mark thy calendar …

 August Readings.

Passages …

 … “Bones and Shadows” by John Philip Johnson

Read and listen …

 … Virtual Memories Show — Episode 598 – Anita Kunz.

Information, please …

 The Department of Everything | The Varieties of Travel Experience | Issues | The Hedgehog Review (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

A word for today …

… Tutelary - Word Daily.

Remembering …

 … These are the losses I’m mourning this morning.

Something to think on …

If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand.
— Milton Fiedman, born on this date in 1912

Surrealism and its longevity

 Modern interpretations of the legacy movement

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Good for her …

… Olympic athlete finds unique way to share her Christian faith in Paris despite IOC ban on religious demonstrations | Blaze Media.

Pretty dumb …

 … The Explanations for the Olympics 'Last Supper' Tableau Are Getting More Ridiculous.

An existential question …

 (18) Kierkegaard on Immortality - by William F. Vallicella.

A word for today …

… Purlieu - Word Daily.

Notable decision …

 … “In God We Trust” becomes nation’s official motto.

Let. us pray …

 … to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese

Something to think on …

Invention is the mother of necessity.
— Thorstein Veblen, born on this date in 1857

Sunday, July 28, 2024


 … Irish author Edna O’Brien dies aged 93. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Right on point …

… Olympics' Last Supper debacle was latest effort to denigrate Western culture.

Altered destiny …

 … How good old LBJ and Uncle Sam changed my life.

Q&A …

… The Bookshelf: Waxing Poetic with A. M. Juster - Public Discourse. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Just so you know …

… How memorizing poetry can expand your life - The Washington Post. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

A word for today …

… Firmament | Word Genius.

Remembering life as a 5-year-old …

 …  Hey, boys and girls, relive exciting pioneer days!

Let us pray …

 … to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese.

Something to think on …

I write with experiences in mind, but I don't write about them, I write out of them.
— John Ashbery, born on this date in 1927

Saturday, July 27, 2024

(18) Contemplating Suicide? - by William F. Vallicella

(18) Contemplating Suicide? - by William F. Vallicella

I fear ‘tis so …

 … The Decline and Fall of the Western Church.

Quick change artist debuts …

 … “What’s up, doc?

Rod, reel, and fish …

… Zealotry of Guerin: Poetry and Fiction by Christopher Guerin: The Angler (Paul Klee), Sonnet #625.

Very interesting …

 … JD Vance’s Catholic conversion inspired by St Augustine – and the wreckage of the modern age. 

(Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Another word …

… Gossamer | Word Genius.

A word for today …

… Twee - Word Daily.

Let us pray …

 … to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese.

Something to think on …

Every major question in history is a religious question. It has more effect in molding life than nationalism or a common language.
— Hillaire Belloc, born on this date in 1870

Friday, July 26, 2024

Another poem …

… Garden Abstract by Hart Crane - Poems | Academy of American Poets. (Hat tip, Rus Bowden.)

Hart Crane would have turned 125 on July 21

In memoriam …

 (18) RIP Wolfgang Smith: Philosopher, Scientist, Catholic. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

A poem …

… Andrei Voznesensky — From the Window of a Plane.

A word for today …

…. Occlude | Word Genius.

Posthumous gossip …

… Fond memories of Uncle Sex - The Oldie. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Educational system update …

 … Lessons from a class called “Mainstreaming”

Let us pray …

 … to the Little. Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese.

Something to think on …

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
Carl Jung, born on this date in 1875

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Definitely worth reading …

… especially these days — (18) Contemplating Suicide? - by William F. Vallicella..

Time for a smile …

… Paul Davis On Crime: A Little Humor: Good To Be Old At This Time.

Hmm …H

… (22) Maximus Thrax, also known as Maximus the Thracian, was a Roman Emperor who ruled from 235 to 238 AD. He was born in Thrace (modern-day Bulgaria) around 178 AD and rose through the ranks of the Roman army during the reign of Emperor Severus Alexander. - Shiv Tandon's Space - Quora (Hat tip, Felix Giordano)

Watch and listen …)

 … Kaucher live at Penn and Pencil Club Philadelphia.


 … Lewis H. Lapham (1935–2024). (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

A poem for today …

 … Arthur Boyars — Initial

It will be a day like today or tomorrow …

 … The day I die will be a certain day.

Let us pray …

 … to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese.

Something to think on …

The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.
—=Eric Hoffer, born on this date in 1993

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

In search of lost timepiece …

 … How missing piece of American history was recovered.

Good question …

… What will remain of us if the machines take over? - Engelsberg ideas.  (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

In case you wondered …

… The Achievement of the Irish Poets | The Russell Kirk Center. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.j 

Minor disagreement …

 … Remembering the “Kitchen Debate” in Moscow.

RIP ….

… Alexander Waugh, author of an acclaimed study, Fathers and Sons, and Shakespeare sceptic – obituary. (Hat tip, Dave Lull,)

Something to think on …

Fact is not truth, but a poet who wilfully defies fact cannot achieve truth.
— Robert Graves, born on this dare in 18955

POTUS spills the beans …

 … Telling someone about the most terrible new weapon.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Famous for his metaphors …

 …  “She gave me a smile I could feel in my hip pocket"

This is very long …

… but a must read

Jon Voight on Trump Support & Israel-Palestine pAmid Angelina Jolie Strife

Something to think on …

The faster I write the better my output. If I'm going slow, I'm in trouble. It means I'm pushing the words instead of being pulled by them.
— Raymond Chandler, born on this date in 1888

Blogging note …

 I’m having another bad day. Blogging will resume later on.

Remembering the passing of a patriot …

 … One of the most influential Founding Fathers.

A word for today …

Promethean | Word Genius

Let us pray …

 … to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The verdict was never really in doubt …

 … “Trial of the Century” ends with teacher’s conviction.

The big screen …

 How one bad scene can ruin an otherwise great movie - The Spectator World.

My acquaintance with film  goes back along way. When I was very small, my grandmother got a job at the Century Theater at Sixth and Erie. She used to take me with her. Mr. Hirsch, the owner, was very kind to me, andi I believe he let my family in for free. Then we moved away in 1949. But in college one of my friends was Dick Corliss. He was the film of the college newspaper that I was the editor of. We went to lots of movies. Those were the days of the French Nouvelle Vague. So we saw alot of Truffaut, Godard, Varda, Rohmer. Dick went onto to become the movie for Time. I once introduced introduce Umberto Eco auther of  The Name of the Rose, which was made into a major film at the Philadelphia Library. We had a wonderful time taling afterwards at the bar across the street in the hotel he was staying at. Ah, those were the days.

Life and death …

… Mortalism - by William F. Vallicella.

Looking back …

 … Goldfinger’: 60 Years, 60 Facts About The Third James Bond Movie:.

Yes, but can it be done?

 … There are some very big challenges ahead.

Checking the world’s largest card catalog …

 … How Largest Library Decides What Becomes History.

Morning hit and windless …

 … O sea of olives and noonday stone

A word for today …

… Apodictic - Word Daily.

Blogging note …

 I took a bad fall last night. I lay on the floor all night. This morning I called my landlord, who came over and lifted me into bed. Don’t know how much blogging I’ll do today. More as the day proceeds i expevt.

Something to think on …

There are many people for whom 'thinking' necessarily means identifying with existing trends.
— Marshall McLuhan, born on this date in 1912

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Once upon a time =

 Moon fests, moon movie and even a full moon mark 55th anniversary of Apollo 11 landing

Precise commentary …

… That Trump photo is magnificently real | The Spectator.

Bryan is a truly great journalist.

The love of dogs …

 … Dog Person, (Hat tip, Dave Lull,)

I am not resigned …

 … Down, down into the darkness of the grave.

A poem …

 … V. S. M. Wang — Your Offering.

What to do …

… When Things Go Wrong - by Glenn Harlan Reynolds.

Uncle Sam wants you! …

 … Draft of 10 million men announced by POTUS

Deadly repetition …

 … Deadly flood comes 88 years after 1889 disaster.

Appreciation …

… Zealotry of Guerin: Poetry and Fiction by Christopher Guerin: Stevens.

Perspective …

 … What is it to grow old?

A word for today … I

… Constitutive | Word Genius.

Let us pray …

 … to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese.

Something to think on …

I got what I needed instead of what I wanted and that's just about the best kind of luck you can have.

— Cormac McCarthy, born on this date in 1933

Friday, July 19, 2024

Thursday, July 18, 2024

A painting by a friend of my friend Felix Giordano …

 May be art


… Lou Dobbs, Former Fox Business Host and Trump Booster, Dies at 78 - The New York Times.

Remembrance in fiction …

 … Allie Caulfield dies of leukemia.


… American comedian Bob Newhart dead at 94, publicist says.

I saw his first appearance on the Jack Paar show. Tells you how old I am.

Ah, yes …

Media Hypocrisy on Inciting Violence - Just Facts Daily.

Blogging note …

 I have not been feeling well these past few days. I can barely stand, let alone walk. I plan to stay inside and rest. I will blog from time to time. But blogging is not the be all and end all of my existence. May everuyone have a blessed day.

Another word …

… Foursquare | Word Genius.

Passing the torch …

 … Deciding who takes over when the president dies.

Something to think on …

A religious awakening which does not awaken the sleeper to love has roused him in vain.
— Jessamy West, born this date in 1903

A word for today …

… Magnifico - Word Daily.

Let us pray …

 … to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A poem


Eat a wafer and be one with God.

How is it with harmonious points of view?

That is my humble self's triumphant ballad

Blood and roses are The Christ's tattoo.

Blood and roses are the crown of pride.

Which leads to inharmonious points of view

Most importantly I'm in everyone's heart.

Baptize my head as clean as morning dew.

And will we ever have harmonious views?

Love for all men and creatures is the key

A sea of change making God's vision true.

The ray of hope for arrant ones like me.

Come to me Love in the dead of night.

Beat off the demons then with the angels take flight

Jennifer Knox

Repeat the sounding joy!

 … Repeat the sounding joy!

Something to think on …

The reason men don't know the law of life is because they're afraid to look Eternity in the face.
— Erle Stanley Gardner, born on this date in 1889

A word for today …

… Oddment - Word Daily.

Let us pray …

 … to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese.

Fooling some of the people some of the time …

 … Stalin, said Truman, “is honest, but smart as hell”

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Planning ahead …

 … Once upon a time in 1975 I read a superb book.

A good combo …

… Paul Davis On Crime: A Little Humor: A Bit Of Wisdom

Variety and adventure …

… Painting from life | The New Criterion.

A poem for today …

 … Jana Prikryl A Banquet

Sounds reasonable …

… Joe Biden is a huge narcissist, too - The Spectator World. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Phenomenal success in spite of its literary merit …

… Overrated novel by overrated recluse.

A word for today …

… Volplane - Word Daily.

Let us pray …

 … to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese

Monday, July 15, 2024

Let us pray …

 … to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese

Monday with Emily Dickinson …

 … Before I got my eye put out —

Another word …

… Boulevardier - Word Daily.

A word for today …

Wonted | Word Genius

Reaction was outrage

 … Daring to say that Jesus was a great man but not God

Beautiful woman with beautiful voice …

 … Tough times for talented singer

Let us Pray …

 … to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese

Something to think on …

We can only learn to love by loving.
— Iris Murdoc, born on this date in 1919

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Elizabethan Memory #1 …

 … “The city was a powder keg”

Who exactly are we?

No Entity without Identity - by William F. Vallicella

A visitor …

… Zealotry of Guerin: Poetry and Fiction by Christopher Guerin: Kite.

And while we’re at it …'

 Paul Davis On Crime: My Counterterrorism Magazine Q&A With D.G. Macay, The Author Of 'Bubbleheads, SEALs And Wizards: America's Scottish Bastion In The Cold War'.

Something else to worry about …

… Paul Davis On Crime: My Counterterrorism Magazine Piece On The Wide Array Of National Security Threats Coming From The Porous Southern Border.

Wordsworth @ Fearful Symmetry …

 … Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey on revisiting the banks of the Wye Valley during a tour, July 13, 1798.

A word for today …

… Phlegmatic - Word Daily.

Let us pray …

 … to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

I can’t figure this out …

 I keep seeing all these commentaries about something actor George Clooney wrote about President Biden. Now I’ve never been a fan of Biden. But why am I supposed to care about what some actor thinks about him. In fact, I don’t care.

Let us pray …

 …to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The journey of solitude …

 …  Alone Again, Unnaturally.

By the time I was 11 years old, my mother, my grandmother, and my brother were all working. I made my own breakfast and lunch and took care of myself. I’ve been pretty much a loner all my life. Now that Debbie is in hospice I’m a loner again. I’m  OK with that. And if I don’t wake up tomorrow I’m OK with that too. It’s all up to God.

For the Angel of Death spread his wings .

 … And the idols are broke in the temple of Baal

It’s never “settled” …

 …Three Tells of Junk Science

Regrettably, many—especially members of the legacy media—have forgotten or chosen to ignore key principles of the scientific method. 

Vignette No. 2

He is eighty-two.  And lately wonders how he became who it is he happens to be. It occurs to him how that’s just the sort of thing one of his all-time favorite writers did. That would be Michel de Montaigne, the father of the essay. Now plenty of autobiographical discourses had been written before Montaigne wrote his essays. What makes his essays so different is their focus. They amount to  a phenomenology of himself. There’s nothing especially egotistical about it. He simply records his observations of himself as if he were watching pears ripen on a window sill.

To observe oneself in so detached a way really was original. The old man hopes he can pull it off.


Painter, soldier, inventor, and more …

 … Permit me to introduce you to Charles Willson Peale

Just so you know …

History’s Footnotes. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.) 

Something to think on …

Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.
— Marcel Proust, born on this date in 1871

Monkey business …

 … Evolution v. Biblical Creationism on trial in Tennessee.

A word for today …

… Praxis - Word Daily.

Let us pray …

 … Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Vignette No. 1

 The old man notices how he sees things now as snapshots. Life has turned into paging through the photo album of his being. He thinks it may be worthwhile — surely for himself — to take notes. Whether these will be of interest to anyone else — hard to say. 

A way to spend summer …

 … For Pascal, It’s No Mystery. (Hat tip, Dave Lull)

Just so you know …

… 10 most walkable cities for tourists in the United States. (Hat tip, Rus Bowden.)

I used to walk all over this. Now that I need a walker I only do short ones. The city is also as safe these days.

A classic reissued …

 … Brave Companions: Portraits in History. (Hat tip, Tim Davis)

I once had the privilege of having a long lunch with David McCullough. A very nice man.

What could possibly go wrong?

 … Army general plans “a unique use of the atomic bomb”

Important moment in history …

… POTUS makes statement about foreign interference in Cuba and elsewhere in the Western Hemisphere

I sure hope not …

Paul Davis On Crime: From Tajikistan With Love: Is Philadelphia A Terrorist Target?

Something to think on …

Never, in these United States, has the brain of man conceived, or the hand of man fashioned, so perfect a thing as a clipper ship.
— Samuel Eliot Morison, born on this date in 1887

A word for today …

… Inspirit | Word Genius.

Let us pray …

 … to the Little Flower —  Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese.

Monday, July 08, 2024

I’d talk to a lawyer …

(18) In stealing my story today, the New York Times committed a serious breach of journalistic ethics (yes, that's a thing) (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Just so you know …

… Bonjour! Discover Ten English Words Derived From French!

Well worth pondering …

 … Anti-Semitism is a real problem — but the Antisemitism Awareness Act is unconstitutional.

I’m just an old guy who remembers WWII and Auschwitz who never expected anti-Semitism to become so public again. And I’m a Catholic.

A book in need of an editor …

 An Unhappy Marriage of Poetry and Philosophy - Public Discourse. (Hatip, Dave Lull.)

A wise idea …

… Praying the hours with W. H. Auden | The Christian Century. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

A word for today …

… Auteur - Word Daily.

Let us pray …

 … to the Little Flower —  Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese

Something to think on …

There can be neither beauty, nor trust, nor security between a man and a woman if there is not truth.

Grace Metalius, born on this date in 1924

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Hmm …

 No man who has managed to keep out of an office can be called a failure in life.

— Richard Aldington

Something to think on …

If the American Revolution had produced nothing but the Declaration of Independence, it would have been worthwhile.
— Samuel Eliot Morrisn, born on this date in 1887

Hmm …

 No Safe Place | An Official Journal Of The NRA.

Back in the day when my walking stick was a fashion statement, not a utility, a guy came walking toward me opening a switchblade. I positioned my stick in somewhat odd way and I said to him — yes, I know, I was swiping a famous line — “Go ahead, make my day.” He figured out that I was prepared to take out one of his eyeballs. He folded up the knife and walked away. That the advantage of starting life among factory workers in north Philly and being street smart and street tough. Which reminds me these days to avoid much of this city most of the time.

Another word …

… Perdurable - Word Daily.

Travel notes …

… Diners, Vintage German magazines, Insel Bucherei, and the Nazis.

A word for today …

… Curvet | Word Genius.

Special day at new blog …

 … David McCullough, Theodore Roosevelt, and others.

An interview …

 … with Haruki Murakami,

Celebrate the birth of a great writer …

 … Historian born on this day in 1933 in Pittsburgh PA.

Let us pray …

 … to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St.Therese.

Something to think on …

Never assume that people in positions of responsibility are behaving responsibly.
— David McCullough, born on this date in 1933

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Offering a poem and a prayer …

 … The Second Coming and President Joe Biden

F. Scott Fitzgerald


It's not often that you willingly -- proactively -- read an unfinished novel. And it's probably less often, still, that you enjoy the experience. But having set a goal to read all of F. Scott Fitzgerald's major novels, The Last Tycoon was on my list (it was the last of his novels on the list). I recently read the book, and I must say, despite is unfinished status, the experience was a rewarding one. 

Tycoon is not a perfect novel: in my reading, the book lacks the glitter of Gatsby and the thoroughness of Tender is the Night. There is, perhaps, too much dialogue in Tycoon and not enough context, not enough character arc. But then, the pleasure of reading the novel outweighed all of this. Fitzgerald was a stylist of the first order, and while his writing had a certain flourish, it was never overdone. Tycoon has that charm, that style, especially the sections where histories overlap.  

Tycoon is unfinished and the sense at the end is of a work wanting more. But that's understood when you start the novel: that's the deal you make. Given that Fitzgerald died days after completing the latest chapter, there's a certain poignancy to the whole thing: it's as if you're reading the story not only of Hollywood and its personalities, but of Fitzgerald's final moments. There are not many novels which serve this dual function. 

Something to think on …

It is now life and not art that requires the willing suspension of disbelief.
— Lionel Trilling, born on this date in 1906

A word for today …

… Virtu - Word Daily.

Let us pray …

 …  to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

This is terrible …

… Lesbian couple beaten up by gang in homophobic attack during birthday night out | World News | Metro News.

I’m terminally straight myself — several young woman have a crush on me —but my friend Katherine shared power for for a gay couple, who were dear friends. People are as thry are. Leave them alone.

Why no fireworks today?

 …  John Adams thought today was to be celebrated as the most memorable day in the history of America.

Tennyson’s tribute …

 … Milton, a name to resound for ages.

Haiku …

 Wisteria drapes

It's clusters over the world

Rendering heaven.

Jennifer Knox

A poem for todaty …

… Remorse - Joshua Mehigan - Literary Matters. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Great woman, great novel …

 … ‘Helena’: Meet the remarkable woman who found the True Cross. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Pondering the mystery …

 (18) This Morning's Meditation - by William F. Vallicella.

A word for today …

… Precatory - Word Daily.

Somehing to think on …

Art is the contemplation of the world in a state of grace.
— Hermann Hesse, born on this date in 1877

Let us pray …

 … to the Little Flower — Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese.