Sunday, October 01, 2006

Lest we forget ...

... the Nobel Prize for literature is likely to be announced this week, making it time once to ask: What's So Funny About the Nobel Prize for Literature? (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)
One could answer, simply, Gjellerup and Pontoppidan - who shared the prize in 1917 and are not exactly household names, at least in any household I've ever visited. They may, however, for all I know, be fine writers. After all, how many people recognize the name Pär Lagerkvist, but I can assure you that Barrabas and The Dwarf ("Most dwarfs are buffoons. They have to make jokes and play trick to make their masters and the guests laugh. I have never demeaned myself to anything like that. Nobody has even suggested that I should. My very appearance forbids such use of me. My cast of countenance is unsuited to ridiculous pranks. And I never laugh. I am no buffoon. I am a dwarf and nothing but a dwarf.") and The Sibyll are well worth reading.
My own choices for the prize? I'm already on record as thinking that a truly representative choice among American writers would be not one of usual suspects - Roth, Updike, Pynchon - but Elmore Leonard, in whose every phrase one hears pitch-perfect mastery of the American language's distinct inflections - and the point of view to go with it. I have also suggested that the Swedish Academy look nearer to home and give it to their fellow Swede Torgny Lindgren. But they wouldn't care what I think even if they were aware of it.
Update: Dave Lull also sends along Some last-minute suggestions. The most interesting is Bill Kristol's.

1 comment:

  1. Westlake would make a fine Nobel choice. If he doesn't win, he can get Murch to plan the most efficient route to the ceremony, where Parker can steal the prize.

    Detectives Beyond Borders
    "Because Murder is More Fun Away From Home"
