Thursday, February 07, 2008

Old Tory, yes ....

... that's what I am! Thanks, Bryan, for clearing that up: How to Compliment Americans.

As Lord Falkland put it, "When it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not to change." Regrettably, I don't think there's any political party catering to us Old Tories anymore.


  1. I would have labeled you, rather, Tory Radical, which is what William Cobbett ("Rural Rides") was called. But maybe we've had enough of labels; they make things too easy.

  2. You may right. Roger - on both counts.

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I've never been able to keep the Torys and the Whigs straight, but I know *you* rock, Frank.

    Is the blog's name going to change?

  4. John Ruskin described himself as a 'violent Tory of the old school'...
