Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Down memory lane ...

... the Esquire cover gallery. (Hat tip, Jim Carmin.)

Check out some of those '50s covers - of issues featuring Breakfast at Tiffany's and Sweet Bird of Youth. Yeah, sure, the '50s really were a benighted time.

1 comment:

  1. I strolled with enjoyment through the '50s covers. Lovely, clever, wonderful color and composition. Same probably could be said of New Yorker covers up to say, 1965, maybe somewhat later. 'Course, magazines had an advantage then: Lots of people read them, so their editors and designers had more incentive to strive every issue for the most engaging cover. Say what you will about the Internet, but the cover of a magazine does not have the same impact, or purpose, on the screen as it does on the stands or in the hands.
