Monday, May 05, 2008

This is helpful ...

... I recently told Maxine that I had recently realized that, sophisticated media notwithstanding, I doubted if I had a clear or accurate picture of what has been going in the UK regarding its recent election. She sends along this: WHAT ELSE HAS TO HAPPEN BEFORE THEY LISTEN ?

I do find it enlightening, especially the last two paragraphs, which Maxine told me to pay special attention to. Interestingly, what Susan says about David Cameron coincides exactly with the impression I have had of him.


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Thanks for the kind comments, Frank. Unfortunately, the London mayorial election was between two untenable candidates. One (Ken) suffered from cronyism (at best), and lost the vote from the suburbs. Another (Boris) is, well, rich. The previous Tory candidate, Steven Norris, is at least a Londoner and aware of the issues, but he did not have enough money to stand against Ken a third time. Hence we now have a clown. I hope he proves me wrong, the jury is still out, but based on what he's written and said previously, he's a bigot (and has troubles with alcohol) who is not in touch with real people's concerns.

    The Lib Dem candiate was a regular guy, not playing personality politics and not with a great deal of money. I voted for him along with over 200,000 other people, but it was not enough.

    London is nearly 8 times bigger than any other town in the UK. Nowhere in Europe is this the case. (Not sure about America). Running London is, well, "different". Let's see what happens.

    Susan discusses wives in her blog post. Boris's wife has been put through the mill, that's for sure! And Ken seems to have several. Oh well, at least he likes newts, that's in his favour if nothing else.

  2. Well, any man who likes newts can't be all bad. But what a crew. I would probably have voted as you did.
