Friday, October 17, 2008

Equivocal monument ...

... to someone who was no sweetie pie: Yours rudely, Katherine Mansfield.
Mansfield is someone else I share a birthday with. I think she would have fit in well in certain circles today.


  1. Whew! Good thing I'm an equilateral triangle or, on lousy days, an isosocles one :).

    (It's those scalenes that'll bite ya in the arse; believe you me, I've watched those circles of certainty and they're stuffed with scalenes; so, natch, I keep my distance with equilateral equanimity, of course.)

  2. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Well, she does sound peevish and rude in those letters, but the poor woman was dying for most of her short life. She's such an amazing short story writer, though. The best of her era, really -- even Virginia Woolf was jealous of her.

    "At the Bay" and its companion stories are ones I shall never forget. Like Flannery O'Connor, I always wonder what Mansfield might have done had she lived longer.....
