Friday, October 17, 2008

Have a cookie ...

... "DOG-CATCHING IN AMERICA": A Review. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

I have been told - by someone likely to know - that Pennsylvania game wardens have the broadest jurisdictional authority of any law enforcement officers in the nation. Even state troopers have to touch base with local police. Game wardens, however, can go anywhere in the state to enforce the game laws and don't have to get anybody's clearance to proceed.

1 comment:

  1. Bob Scriver, who was a city magistrate and Justice of the Peace for many years, used to say that "you can do whatever you can do -- until someone stops you." In other words, the only way to discover limits is to get out there and bump into the boundaries. And very often there ARE no boundaries, because no one ever thought about the Big Picture in a systematic way. A lot of people are very good at finding where the fence is down or was never built.

    Prairie Mary
