Monday, October 13, 2008

Human, too ...

... 'Einstein's Mistakes: The Human Failings of Genius' by Hans C. Ohanian.

This makes you wonder if he would have made his discoveries had he been the sort who would never have made such mistakes as are cited here.


  1. It also makes you think of all the great poems you've written (or hope to write) or how typos work better than the word you meant to input and then you think, hrm . . . until you remember Nannette's sartorial shit :) . . .

    I thought Einstein wanted to be a novelist (or, Darwin or, someone very scientifically leaning and when it came to actually writing the novel that would turn the scientist into the novelist, it refused to allow itself to be written). Sinner is leftovers!

  2. "Darwin.
    They say he read novels to relax,
    But only certain kinds:
    nothing that ended unhappily.
    If anything like that turned up,
    enraged, he flung the book into the fire."

    From "Consolation" by Wislawa Szymborska

  3. True or not,
    I adore the thought!

    Thank you, Dave Lulloo!
