Thursday, October 16, 2008

Judicial creativity ...

... Chief Justice John Roberts, Crime Novelist. (Hat tip, Paul Davis.)


  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I can't understand the link or the Washington Post article. Maybe its a US-UK thing. I'm confused.

  2. It is only that the opening of the dissent is written in the style of a Mickey Spillane novel. As for the legal aspect: A majority of Court declined to hear a case. The Chief Justice - and Associate Justice Kennedy - disagreed with that, and Roberts wrote the dissent explaining why. Ordinarily, the refusal to hear a case is more routine. They vote not to hear it, and it isn't heard. How this compares with the English court system I have no idea, because I don't know anything about the English court system. In particular I don't know how judgments are appealed.
