Wednesday, October 01, 2008

What's New, Now, and Next in Canadian Letters?

The Globe and Mail's James Adams dishes the details on the usual suspects and some appeteasing comin'-uppers in his rich biblio-harvesting.

(For those who need to know, ex-Prime Minister Paul Martin's degrees were in philosophy; PLUS, he's a Scrabble™ Maniac, BION; hence, I doubt a ghost-writer inked his offering OR he did any professional thieving, as T. S. Eliot so astutely dubbed it when distinguishing between the amateur and the pro scribe.)


  1. Among new Canadian books in the current affairs category not mentioned in this article, this one might be interesting: The Tyranny of Nice.

  2. Before I check, Dave? Somehow, I don't think this book has to do with the Riviera :) . . .

    Oy moi!

  3. Oh, Kathy Shaidle! Yeah, she's going through HELLO? for no good reason I can see; this book will kick asterisks to the curb, I bet; but, in 1998, although I gave her book, God Rides A Yamaha, a deservedly good review, I wasn't happy promoting Yamaha over H-Ds, not at all (but, talk synchronicity! While you were thinking Kathy, I was thinking Dennis "Easy Rider" Hopper offa Edward "Nighthawks" Hopper. (Cue "Twilight-Zone" Tone . . ..)
    p.s. If there's snow in your neck of the world's forecast, as there is in mine (for tomorrow), I hope you have your winter tires at the ready; I do :)
