Saturday, November 08, 2008

This 1's 4 Art 4 Art's Sake . . .

Susan Harkins of TechRepublic muses: To Serif or Not to Serif. (Only trouble is, she didn't discuss this "issue" with Mr. Durkee first.)


  1. Don't forget semi-serif, slab-serif, or informal. Hah. Otherwise, regarding online vs. print readability, it's right on.

  2. Thought you'd appreciate this one, Art, especially since you design your own; and, ITA, have no idea what semi- or slab- or informal-serif fonts might be; but, you're right in terms of her making sense in the department of readability; I like the font on your 'site; but, some I've seen simply give me a headache; or, equally, are ughly to the max. Wish more web-peeps would *get* this is predominantly a visual medium, especially those designing writerly pages. Why don't more writers take advantage of this edge (or, why do they try to imitate the look of a book's page instead of getting creative with it?).
