Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I forgot about me ...

... my column is up: “Insist on yourself; never imitate”.

That's what happens when Judith is away.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about that, Partner. I shall be returning in a Philly-Man-Phan minute :). Liked the piece very much, though; and, yes, Emerson really does have a way with words that remain forever in the recesses of anyone's "mature" brain, "nature" grain. I try to think of a Canadian writer who matches his prose in terms of substance, style, and seriousness (in a good sense); and, you know, I would have to say Robert Bringhurst maybe comes closest for me. Odd, but true (and, yet, he has roots in the US, too). Still, he's a transparently transplendently transporting KIA. Highly recommended.
