Saturday, March 14, 2009

For those of an age ...

... to remember this series (that means you, Roger): Victory at Sea.


  1. 'Deed I do remember it. I remember watching it on our wonky old 17-inch B&W Majestic teevee when I was but a sprat. Watching that and the old "Navy Log" series made me want to join the Navy, but I got over that.

  2. RKM . . . I also watched these great programs on our tiny B&W . . . Of course, I did not really comprehend too much except to understand they were compelling films about something that my parents were particularly interested in watching . . . I also was unconsciously infected by the "Join the Navy" virus while watching VAS programs . . . Unlike you, I never got over that influence because I began 25 years in the Navy immediately upon "winning" the draft lottery in 1968 (in response to which I visit the Navy recruiter to see if he could offer me something more attractive than what waited for me at the Army induction center).

  3. My number came up in the draft in 1966, before the lottery version. When it did, I hurried to the recruiters, right past the Marines and to the Navy and Air Force, neither of which was willing to hold off the draft then. But the Army welcomed me with open arms, so I signed up for Infantry OCS, and walked out three years later with everything including faculties still intact.

  4. My mind must be failing because I had meant to say the lottery caught up with me in late 1965. I began my Navy adventure in January 1966. (Why my memory twisted the dates is beyond me.) I regret the erroneous information. However, I enjoy the VAS videos, and I've passed them on to others in my same age group. My students, on the other hand, would not really appreciate the significant of the VAS films.
