Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My latest column ...

... is up: Death and the importance of imagination.

1 comment:

  1. "Truth can be arrived at as much by introspection as by dissection."

    I am not religious, if only because I don't believe that anyone's yet made a strong enough case that their belief system is, in fact, the correct one. But I recognize the forces beyond our grasp, and regard them with awe (any form of symbiosis, for example; a scientist may tell me how or what, but can never explain why). Can I call these collective forces "God"? I could, but choose not to.

    I remember reading somewhere that science and art are more similar than we generally think, since they both aim to seek truth. Science searches for it in the broad sense, then attempts to apply its meaning to the individual; while art seeks meaning within the individual and attempts to apply it broadly. I like this concept.

    Religion, though, seems to employ a third step -- taking scraps of fact, or intuition, rendering fiction from them and calling them facts -- and applying its product in both directions, both to the individual and the broader world/universe.

    Yeah, I'm not a fan.

