Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The future of publishing (cont'd.) ...

... Guest Post: Anis Shivani on Free Internet Content and the Best Model for Print in the Digital Age. (Hat tip, Lee Lowe.)

At the end of the day, nothing is ever quite free.


  1. "The demonitized economy ushered in by Google can be scary to many ..."

    So Google gets the credit, huh? As if McAfee and shareware never happened. It really amazes me how so many of today's pundits think everything started after Page and Brin in 1995. That's right, everything started to happen 15 years ago. Sure.

    Once the seeds break ground and the saplings gain 10 feet of height, THEN the journalists take note of the tree.


  2. Or, Blue, it isn't news until your editor notices it. You have identified the principal reason for the decline on newspapers. Journalists have tended to pass around the same old same old, instead of going out to find what's going on. How many times did I hear a story proposed ... after someone had something in the Times.
