Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Thought for the day ...

You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


  1. Frank, I really like this Thought for the Day."

    It brings to mind a short story, "Jachid and Jechidah," by Isaac Bashevis Singer. I came across the story in an anthology called "Wandering Stars," which has become a permanent and re-visited fixture on my bookshelf.

  2. To build upon the good priest's idea, I would like to risk a paraphrase of one of his ideas and point out that as God's creations we are (ideally) evolving (spiritually) to the point someday when we all converge within our ultimate union with God. In fact, Flannery O'Connor a woman profoundly influenced by Teilhard de Chardin borrowed the concept for the title of her short story (and the short story collection which bore the same name), "Everything That Rises Must Converge."
