Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Over lunch ...

... The New Yorker | PORT magazine. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Every Monday it’s in the mail, or in the newsstand, or on a little flat screen, reassuring a million subscribers that things are still pretty much under control in the transatlantic world of letters. There are always at least a few funny cartoons, and one absorbing piece about something or another, and perhaps a brilliantly dismissive movie review by Anthony Lane, who sharpened his pencil at The Independent before Tina Brown, Remnick’s predecessor, lured him away. I confess I don’t read it all – few can – but let me just say it right now: The New Yorker is one of the three great contributions the United States has made to world civilization. The other two are, of course, Some Like it Hot and the iPhone.


  1. Frank r u blessing this article? I doubt it very much...you havent said anything.

  2. I link, you decide, Vikram. The fact is, I hardly ever read The New Yorker anymore.
