Wednesday, May 02, 2012

A postmodern enterprise

… Can Beauty Save the World?: Catholic World Report. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

The bulk of Beauty Will Save the World is a lavish consumer’s guide to the great poets, writers, and artists of the twentieth century Catholic Revival and beyond. In determining how to reinvigorate culture, the profiles of Evelyn Waugh, Wendell Berry, Mary McCleary, Gerhart Niemeyer, and Malcolm Muggeridge—to give only a sampling—along with hundreds of other references to western aesthetes, will give the thoughtful reader a great deal to chew on.
I'm not sure about this: "the conservative resurgence that began in the 1950s was so focused on economics, politics, and diplomacy that its chief architects largely ignored culture, other than to malign the eccentricities of “modern” art and literature." I know what he means —there was a lot of plain reactionism among conservatives at the time, despite so many modernists being, in fact, conservative — but there were exceptions. Russell Kirk certainly focused on culture, to name just one.

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