Monday, November 10, 2014

Just a thought …

If nothing else, God is a most intriguing hypothesis, very likely the most intriguing of all. The hypothesis asserts that the nature of being is fundamentally personal, not mechanical, or chemical, or material. The hypothesis does not deny the reality of mechanics or chemistry or matter. It simply posits that personality is a prior reality.
The hypothesis, in other words, has to do with the nature of being itself, and it can only be investigated by means of individual introspection, by exploring the parcel of being one is most familiar with, namely, oneself. That is why, in the best book about God that I know of, What Can You Say About God* — *(Except "God"), author William A. Luijpen says that "when the believer calls, shouts or whispers the name 'God,' he expresses the mystery of his existence." 


  1. In other words, in the beginning was everything that matters within a single word: ________________. Fill in the blank?

  2. Actually, it means that the only way to come to an understanding of yourself is through the practice of prayer, the lifting up of the mind and heart to God.
