Tuesday, January 06, 2015

The NYT is relevant and stronger than ever!!!!

says the executive editor, Dean Baquet and is "the best news organization in the world." 

From the comments: 
When the NYT is no longer the best news organization in the world, how will we know?
I would argue that cooking apps and sponsored news content are strong evidence.
But most of all, it is the feebleness of the other contenders that makes the NYT exemplary. The best news organizations in the world all expired a generation ago. The Times has fallen far and fast, but the rest have plummeted.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking as someone who proudly for the New York Times Book Review, I think I can fairly say the current NYT is a pale, pale shadow of its former self. The best paper, in this country, in my view, is the Wall Street Journal.
