Friday, May 22, 2015

Curiouser and curiouser …

… Quantum physics: What is really real? : Nature News & Comment.

If there is no objective reality, does that mean that reality is purely subjective? And what exactly does that mean?

1 comment:

  1. If we ask the question, such as Zeeya Merali does in her article, "Is there such a thing as an objective reality at all?" we know such a physical reality does not need to exist -- as such. If it does not need to exist, I unscientifically tend to think that it does not -- again, as such, as a physical universe as opposed to the spiritual/mental/Self-type subjectiveness that we experience first hand.

    If we are to test whether the physical realm exists -- as such, we need to define it first, as something, some world, that our subjective selves can enter, because we do, when we are born, when we awaken, when we stop dreaming, when we return from flatlining, when we return to consciousness, however it was that we lost ourselves to death, thought, or the moment.

    Spirituality seems to create it either way . . .
