Thursday, May 07, 2015

Hmm ….

… 'A God That Could Be Real' In The Scientific Universe : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture : NPR.

A New Way To Think About 'God'.

All well and good to look for a new way to think about God, but you ought to make sure you have some understanding of the old way.

Consider this:

These are characteristics of a God that can't be real:
God existed before the universe.
God created the universe.
God knows everything.
God intends everything that happens.
God can choose to violate the laws of nature

The first of these has never been believed by anyone who knew what he was talking about when he used the term God. God is logically and causally prior to the universe, not temporally prior to it. Time does not apply to God. As for why the rest cannot be real, I think it depends on how you understand those things? Of course, if you presume that God is simply "a potent spiritual metaphor," you're again not using the term God as it has been understood by some pretty sharp cookies throughout human history. 

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