Tuesday, August 04, 2015

The perils of plugging in …

… Untrending | The Curator. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Poets of the new millennium face a compound dilemma. Not only are we distracted as readers, we’re flighty and prone to overshare as writers. Where once was a stable narrative center of desk, writing instrument, and ream of bond now proliferate laptop, tablet, smartphone, and flat panel display. Even cable and satellite programming are being supplanted by devices like Roku and Apple TV that offer streaming media subscriptions.
I read as much as I ever did, though as often as not these days using my iPad Kindle app. I watch less TV than I ever have, mostly movies, and fewer and fewer of those, it seems. The computer has never seemed to me much more than a better kind of typewriter — no need for whiteout, capable of justifying margins, etc. I have a Twitter account, but don't use it much. I'm linkedin, but don't really know what to do about that. As my occasional haiku indicate, I spend a good bit of time sitting on park benches watching all the world go by. 

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