Monday, April 02, 2018

Hmm …

… Can you prove you’re not a racist? | Spectator USA. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

A sole review of my last novel — amid perhaps a hundred — characterised The Mandibles (hence also its author) as ‘racist’. The evidence: my Latino US president of 2029 speaks ‘with a lisp’, a description of the reviewer’s invention. The review also took a snapshot out of context. A secondary character — who married into a white family and happens to be black, but is more pertinently suffering from advanced early-onset dementia — is part of a midnight trek to a refugee encampment. To prevent the confused, often violent woman from wandering off in a dangerous city, the family leads her by a leash. (How else would they control her?) By inference, Shriver wants to bring back slavery. Great.

1 comment:

  1. Shriver does not want to bring back slavery but perhaps needs to use a literary device next time that does not so obviously hark to that period.
