Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Fake but accurate

[S]ince 2011, the psychology field has been giving itself an intensive background check, redoing more than 100 well-known studies. Often the original results cannot be reproduced ...
Psychology has millions of amateur theorists who test the findings against their own experience. The public’s judgments matter to the field, too.
It is one thing to frisk the studies appearing almost daily in journals that form the current back-and-forth of behavior research. It is somewhat different to call out experiments that became classics — and world-famous outside of psychology — because they dramatized something people recognized in themselves and in others.
They live in the common culture as powerful metaphors ... 


  1. Gah! Again that 'fake'! It's not fake unless it's deliberate. Science corrects itself. That's the point of science.

  2. The Journal of Irreproducible Results was ahead of its time!
