Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Still pertinent after all these years …

 Rich Parents Still Ignore William F. Buckley’s 1951 Warning About Prestige Universities. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Buckley established his conservative bona fides with God and Man at Yale. Never again did one of his books have an impact to rival this one. The book was positive and negative. It dealt with theology and economics -- good and bad -- which I surely can appreciate. It offered what seemed to be a practical solution: a call to the alumni to cut off the funds. This was perceived by Yale's defenders as a highly practical solution and therefore highly dangerous. It was neither. Buckley in 1977 quoted Dwight Macdonald: Yale's authorities "reacted with all the grace of an elephant cornered by a mouse."


  1. Considering that his son attended Yale also, it is hard to blame the other rich parents.

  2. Well, his son hasn't exactly honored his father.
