Thursday, August 01, 2019

Hmm …

… Database of 7 million syllabi pulls back the curtain on higher ed. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Higher education’s kind of a black box. You approach it with a grasp of the reputations of the institutions you’re interested in. But other than what can be a very arbitrary experience browsing around a university website, there’s no real way to know what the contents of that education will look like,” Karaganis said.


  1. When a word so blatantly reveals its Greek origin as "syllabus" does, should a writer on higher education speak of "syllabi"?

    And then a syllabus gives expectations. One would like to know how far the class actually got through the coursework. Jacques Barzun somewhere wrote of the dietician who had the notion of checking not only what the kitchen sent out to the patients but what the patients sent back uneaten.

  2. Yeah. Basically a table of contents. Guess it tells you something.
