Monday, August 17, 2020

Hmm …

… Catholic voters' impossible choice. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

The paper also quoted Fr. James Martin, who observed, accurately, that "Mr. Biden is a baptized Catholic. Thus, he is a Catholic."
Well, Fr. Martin, Herr Hitler was a baptized Catholic. Thus, he was a Catholic. Most people, however, do not think of Hitler as a Catholic, probably because his thoughts and actions were so much at odds with Catholic doctrine. Methinks Fr. Martin is reviving what used to be unflatteringly referred to as  Jesuitry.

Biden’s abandonment of Catholic doctrine is between him and God. His espousal of policies that run counter to Church Teaching does have a political dimension that Catholics may rightly take into consideration when judging his candidacy.

As to why Trump’s people got involved with this fellow Marshall (whom I had never heard of until now), well there are Catholics who are not terribly thrilled with Pope Francis. I doubt if Trump himself had anything to do with it.

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