Saturday, August 15, 2020

Same as new wine in old wineskins …

… Wokeness: old religion in a new bottle - spiked. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

We live in just the strangest times. But understanding the historical roots of these radicals as post-Protestant, and understanding the spiritual hunger which has no outlet for them, helps us to explain it. This is what happens when you have a Mainline outlook that is broken loose from all of its prior constraints. These ideas used to be corralled in the churches. If you let an idea like Original Sin – that’s a dangerous and powerful idea – loose from its corral, it goes to a place where it can exist, which is politics. One of the great dangers is that religious ideas are in politics. The line that I use is that, if you believe that your ordinary political opponents are not merely mistaken, but are evil, you have ceased to do politics and begun to do religion.


  1. If people like that get the bit between their teeth, who knows what they might do? Might they decide that Hillary Clinton arranged the murder of Vincent Foster and spend a great deal of time, energy, and fuss trying to prove the theory?

  2. I think they already tried that.

  3. I think they already tried that.
