Tuesday, August 01, 2023

No surprise here …

… The Covid Cover-Up | National Review.

In the name of fighting disinformation, America’s leading scientists collaborated with America’s leading public-health authorities to create disinformation themselves — which just happened to be in the interests of funding for their projects and agencies. In trying to save science from public scrutiny, they permanently damaged the reputation of America’s public-health institutions and vividly demonstrated the ease with which the scientific enterprise itself could be corrupted by politics and venality. If the lab leak is the true origin of the Covid-19 pandemic, which appears increasingly likely, the American government and its leading minds were part of the cover-up operation, which spared not just the scientific community but the Chinese Communist Party as well..

Don’t bother with the media — or our corrupt government. I used to be a science editor. I seek out science journals. So I pretty much suspected this from the start. 

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