Friday, June 28, 2024

 I have never been a fan of Joe Biden. But I am dismayed at the commentary I have seen regarding his unfortunate performance at last night’s debate. How about we put away the politics? This is a fellow human suffering from a condition any of us could fall victim to. Why can’t we just pray for him?


1 comment:

  1. Rus Bowden1:03 AM

    On Yehuda Amichai's 100 birthday anniversary, I sent our president a copy of Amichai's poem Wildpeace.

    Yesterday, I received this in reply:

    Dear Mr. Bowden,

    I love poetry—thank you for sharing yours with me. One of my favorite contemporary poets, Seamus Heaney, wrote in his 1991 work The Cure at Troy:

    History says, “Don’t hope
    On this side of the grave.”
    But then, once in a lifetime
    the longed-for tidal wave
    of justice can rise up,
    and hope and history rhyme.

    Though we as a Nation have lived through some of our most difficult days, I truly believe in the bright future ahead. Together, let’s make hope and history rhyme.

    Joe Biden (signature)

    That's a sharp cookie from Archmere Academy and UDelaware answering that. What a terrific, thoughtful response.

    We've all have known that Biden has had a speech impediment his entire life. Last night, this was coupled in his "pause" response with losing his place. You could see him trying to handle this double-whammy. If you're on his staff, you don't take advantage of this, but remind him as you would me and I you, where he was when his mind left on the tangent.

    His truly worse moment, was when he made his golf reply to Trump. But this was from a star athlete from Archmere Academy, baseball and football too. He played college football at UDelaware. So I forgive him his braggadocio, even while cringing at what the different in athletic ability would be today.

    How would a round of golf between Trump and Biden have ended 20 years ago? I understand that Trump overdoes it with Mulligans, but my money would have been on Biden if they both carried their bags. This underlines a point every old timer can understand. Even as my back and neck creak, somehow I'd like to believe I could play a mean shortstop in a pickup game. Fat chance.

    Would I love to have seen a debate between Kennedy and Newsom? Absolutely, and I would sit there open minded as they put their different programs forward for the coming years. That's not what we got last night. We got Biden trying to carry a full golf bag around the course, while Trump played multiple Mulligans on each hole.
