Monday, May 09, 2011

More than you may think ...

... A life in literature, or, what you may lose by becoming a writer | Creative Writing Courses and Workshops, Dublin | Some Blind Alleys. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

I don’t read any more, or I hardly read any more. Not like I did. I have, now, become a sort of demon reader. All day, every day, I’m scanning print and uploading vast amounts of information. I have to do this in order to earn a living. The economics of literature insist on it.


  1. Well, we all steal. It's called culture.

    But this piece offers an excellent argument for remaining an amateur - not that I really need any further convincing!

  2. And remember -- amateur means lover.

  3. Auden was right. All writers should have day jobs as cabinet-makers.
