Thursday, August 18, 2011

Literary genome ...

... Can 32,000 Data Points Yield The Perfect Book Recommendation? | mocoNews. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Who is Richard Bachman? In early tests, Book Genome Project researchers noted that he kept popping up as a match for readers who liked Stephen King. Turns out that Richard Bachman is the pen name that Stephen King used to publish the “Running Man” series of science fiction books between 1977 and 1982. “He wanted to see if he could recreate breaking into the mainstream,” Stanton said. “He sold maybe 30,000 copies as Richard Bachman. When he became public as Stephen King, he sold millions. From our perspective, if you’re looking for a perfect Stephen King-like book, Richard Bachman would be the best possible match. But a social network would never have recommended it. That is an ideal use case.”

1 comment:

  1. It strikes me that Facebook and Twitter are subject to the tyranny of the masses. Great critica recommendations, like some of Terry Teachout's, or some of yours, wouldn't get much traction against the pixelated mass of popular data points.
