Monday, July 22, 2019

Clearing things up …

… Every woman has a right to have her scrotum waxed | Spectator USA. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

ALL trans people have to be respected because as an oppressed minority, they are automatically incapable of doing wrong. Identity politics tells us this. If you criticize anyone from a marginalized community, you are an evil bigot. So fellow social justice comrades, please do not be tempted to use nuance. Stay away from judging people as individuals and applying logic and reason based on each circumstance. That’s for Nazis and fascists and bigots and transphobes. No, in order to be progressive and tolerant we must group all trans people together as one homogenous mass and treat them all with the same respect, regardless of whether or not as a human being they truly deserve it. Progressives defending Jessica Yaniv can only be good for the trans community. 
There is more on this here.
‘Some of my clients are adherents to the Sikh religion. They believe that they marry for life to one husband, and that it is not permitted for a married woman to touch the genitals of a biological male (penis/scrotum) who is not their husband.’

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