Thursday, December 17, 2020

Hmm …

… Florida Is Open, New York Is Closed, And NY Has More COVID Deaths.

Thus far in Florida, approximately 20,000 people have died of COVID-19. In Texas, the number stands around 24,000, and in New York, about 35,000.

New York is the smallest of the three, with 19.54 million residents. Then comes Florida, with 21.67 million, before Texas, with 28.7 million residents.

Florida also has a larger 65-and-older population than New York

1 comment:

  1. This is apples and oranges. It's New York City that has counted over 24K dead from Covid-19. The rest of the state has about 11K.

    Careful on this guy's figures in other places too. He talks about deaths, without mentioning that the counts are far lower than the actual excess deaths resulting from the virus. He goes into saying that people who show up at a hospital twice are counted twice. If that has been happening, then all public health officials everywhere would want to put an end to it. We need the information to be accurate on those who actually get the virus twice or more. We are tracking them to see how they do with the organ damage and length and severity of the illness. We'll also want to know how many die during their bout, just like we'll want the figures on people who end up dying after, even long after the virus has left their systems damaged. But one thing's for sure: They aren't going to die twice. So any double-count hospital admissions have nothing to do with who and how many are actually dying in Florida versus Timbuktu or anywhere else. The former is a clerical error, the latter a corpse.

    Something else that's just weirdly stupid is that, after giving a total of 79,000 people dead in just 3 states in his first paragraph, he talks about a doom that did not happen. What? I'm sorry, what? He just reported that the doom occurred in horrific numbers, a doom that is ongoing -- and now he says it did not happen. He's not only out of touch with the world, but with his own self.

    Okay, so let's be very clear on how this virus spreads. It's something that we all know by now. The people who are killing these hundreds of thousands, we know, are the ones who do not wear masks and do not keep their distance. You aren't going to catch the virus unless you encounter others who are spewing the deadly virus into your system. Or maybe you can find a bat somewhere, or pandolin. But it is the careless and uncaring people who have been killing the virus victims. This is how it spreads, and then people suffer and die. Am I saying somthing wrong? Should we all be holding kumbaya hands while denying that we know who the killers are by now?

    Aren't we all tired of this bullshit about freedom? Deadly people want the freedom to be deadly? This country has never acknowledge a freedom to harm others -- unless it's been someone we called savage or a mortal enemy. Indeed, harming and killing other USA residents, or anyone who is innocent for that matter, like thesed uncaring and careless killers do, is nothing Constitutional. We don't have that amendment yet, the freedom to spread a deadly virus.
