Friday, July 16, 2021

Hmm …

Most Democrats Favor Mandatory Masks, COVID-19 Vaccine for School Children - Rasmussen Reports.

I presume these are the same people who tell the rest of us to follow the science. Well, I do follow the science.
Here’s some science for them: 
Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children.


  1. The problem is that there are still hundreds of millions of adults who are unvaccinated. As the vaccinated save the lives of the unvaccinated, the unvaccinated are still killing some of the vaccinated people. We need to get them off the streets. Death by Covid-19 in the USA is now reaching 750,000. That will be the case when you see the news report that 615,000 have been actually counted.

    A nurse practitioner I know is vaccinated but her kids are not. So she must wear a mask in order not to catch it and spread it to her kids and make them sick spreaders. We should be beyond the mask discussion by now, but we have spreaders out there.

    Studies are coming out about Covid-sniffing dogs, how they are 95% correct in determining whether a passerby has the virus, just with a sniff. There just aren't enough of them to be at the doors to every school. If the molecules that they are detecting emanating from breath and body could be found, and we could have Covid detector bracelets (which would net the inventors a fortune), then we could all know when we are safe and who is not. But we are not there. Americans need another way to defend ourselves against the unvaccinated.

    It seems the only way to stop this killer virus, is mandatory vaccinations. So simple, and so necessary. You go out unvaccinated, and you get fined. Do it again, and you get a bigger fine. Again, and you go to prison. Mandatory vaccines work already, and are quite Constitutional (Jacobson vs Massachusetts 1908 re: smallpox vaccination). Most everyone reading this will have been vaccinated in order to enter school.

    In the mean time, if masks keep children safe from Covid-19, then we need a design and instructions for proper use and length of use. They are safe for hospital workers who know how to use them and must (effective against both influenza and Covid-19, by the way). Because they are effective against this mass killer virus, we need to find a way to make them work. We also need to have the veracity of this study that you posted scrutinized. Why are children more affected than adults. Is that a design flaw? Wrong masks?

  2. Anonymous7:10 AM

    The article cited was retracted: "The Research Letter, “Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial,” by Harald Walach, PhD, and colleagues published online in JAMA Pediatrics on June 30, 2021,1 is hereby retracted. Following publication, numerous scientific issues were raised regarding the study methodology, including concerns about the applicability of the device used for assessment of carbon dioxide levels in this study setting, and whether the measurements obtained accurately represented carbon dioxide content in inhaled air, as well as issues related to the validity of the study conclusions. In their invited responses to these and other concerns, the authors did not provide sufficiently convincing evidence to resolve these issues, as determined by editorial evaluation and additional scientific review. Given fundamental concerns about the study methodology, uncertainty regarding the validity of the findings and conclusions, and the potential public health implications, the editors have retracted this Research Letter."
