Wednesday, March 30, 2022

In case you wondered …

… How Compulsive Conformity Can Get People Killed:.

Everybody needs to learn about the dynamics of conformity. Blatant censorship, hostility to free speech, and campaigns to demonize mainstream American views were all unthinkable scenarios for most Americans just a few years ago.

I’m not given to conformity. I’m 80 years old. Why the hell should  I be?

1 comment:

  1. It's a very politically biased article, and somewhat up my alley when I was studying Community Social Psychology. But, checking her credentials, it is not her expertise whatsoever. History and specific foreign relations is more her bag. She's a layperson talking about why she has been drinking the right wing kool aid. The conformity is at least as well seen as the people on the right all walking off the cliff as they follow their leaders. The non-vaccinated, for instance, still dying en masse.
