Thursday, February 23, 2023

Faith and science …

… Pope Benedict's Last Testament | Dan Kuebler | First Things.

But the universe did not have to be structured in such a fashion. Is this order merely due to happenstance, a freak accident, or is it the result of God's creative reason? Pope Benedict sums up the alternatives:

Here we are faced with the ultimate alternative that is at stake in the dispute between faith and unbelief: are irrationality, lack of freedom and pure chance the origin of everything, or are reason, freedom and love at the origin of being? Does the primacy belong to unreason or to reason? This is what everything hinges on in the final analysis.

See also: Giving Up Darwin by David Gerlernter. 

Something Werner Heisenberg said is also pertinent:

“I think that modern physics has definitely decided in favor of Plato. In fact the smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can be expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language.”


1 comment:

  1. Other than that bit about Werner Heisenburg, most of what you said is bullshit.
