Saturday, September 09, 2023

Wokeness at its most ludicrous …

… Actor Dylan Postl Slams 'Snow White' Remake for Replacing Dwarfs | 

“The 'magical creatures' are a mixture of races and genders, and we all applaud that," he added. "But they're sacrificing the careers of short people to achieve diversity. And that does not sit right with me. The studio doesn't seem to be aware that dwarfs are also born in all races and genders."


  1. I don't think dwarfism is a race, thus this cannot be "woke". Woke means "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination" (from Wikipedia). If this were something ludicrous, it would not be woke by definition, as there would be no need to be alert, or woke.

  2. Anonymous6:03 PM

    He didn’t say dwarfism had anything with race. He said that are dwarfs of races.

  3. Anonymous1:05 AM

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