Sunday, May 19, 2024

Screwez vous …

… Robert Kennedy Jr.: We need laws to 'punish global warming skeptics' - Washington Times..

There are actually sound reason for being skeptical of global warming, not the least of which is that we have only a couple of centuries worth of accurate thermometer data. Also, try reading the First Amendment asshole.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a Kennedy Junior fan, but the context is that he sees politicians "selling out", only denying climate change for political reasons, in order to disingenuously draw votes from true skeptics and get money from special interest deniers. So he "wishes" there were a law, understanding that there couldn't be. It seems to be the off-hand use of "There ought to be a law against [fill in the blank, like "putting ketchup on a steak]."

    Last year's knowledge on climate measurement, went back nearly 200 years as you point out. This year, apparently tree rings betray information that goes back over 2000 years: Last Year, the Northern Hemisphere Had Its Hottest Summer in 2,000 Years.
