Monday, January 09, 2006

Cuba libre ...

... at least for Papa Hemingway. Or at least his archives.


  1. Sorry Frank, this doesn't have anything to do with Hemmingway, but have you seen this story today?

  2. I don't know what's up with blogger but it seems to cut off the end of the link. The rest of it is, starting where it ended at at james:


  3. Hi Bonnie:
    I clarified the Hemingway reference a bit. And yes, I have seen the Smoking Gun story, and I guess I should link to it. Thanks. What is it with these people who think they can away with this sort of thing?

  4. It takes all kinds! People over at Miss Snark's think the infamy will only make him hotter. I don't know, with all of Oprah's power and money, it might just make him...Yikes, I don't want to think of what she could do to him!
