Saturday, March 04, 2006

So you thought ...

... public education in the U.S. had problems. Take a look at this from Petrona: State education. I of course think that education should return to being education, which is to say a classical education, by means of which one learns to master language and thought, so that one knows how to find information, how to evaluate it, how to draw inferences therefrom, and how to organize and express clearly, simply and euphoniously one's thoughts concerning same. Such basic skills enable one to study any subject. Lack of them makes the study of any subject futile.


  1. I was thrilled though, as Jenny did sail into the grammar school. It's been a tense 4 months waiting for the results. She'll get the education you describe now, Frank (as her elder sister is doing). Part of me feels guilty, as it is an education denied to most children in the UK. Part of me feels it was the right thing to encourage, as I know she will blossom, as her sister is doing.

  2. Never feel guilty about getting for your kids what's good for them. Absolvo te ...
