Tuesday, March 07, 2006

What better way to spend time...

... than in the company of a bright, beautiful, charming and talented blonde? Which is what I did yesterday afternoon when Lisa Scottoline stopped by my office prior to being interviewed by Inquirer staff writer Martha Woodall. Lisa has a new novel out, Dirty Blonde, the first in a new series. Lisa may have won an Edgar Award, and she may be a best-selling novelist, but her greatest achievement, it seems to me, is to have remained a perfectly engaging, down-to-earth human being.

1 comment:

  1. When I first heard of Lisa Scottoline about 3 years ago -- she was marketed in the UK as "the female John Grisham" -- I avidly read a couple of her books as I love "legal crime" stories. However, they just didn't gel with me. I'm pleased to read she has a stand-alone (or new series) coming out, and will give her another try.

    Incidentally, another really nice, funny and generous "mystery" author is Elaine Viets, whom I "met" on the Dorothy L list. Have you ever interviewed her, Frank? Her website is logged on Connotea Detective (www.connotea.org/user/Detective). I particularly like her Francesca Vierling series.
