Sunday, April 01, 2007

Did Hitler chill out?

... or, to be precise: Did Hitler have a base in the Antarctic?


  1. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Hitler and the gang did have some very strange occult beliefs; the hollow earth being one of them. I've a degree in history and it quite interesting the complete absence of focus on the deep occult essence of the Nazis. Lets instead pretend that life is lived at comprehensible levels of rationality.

  2. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I meant the complete absence of focus in my educational experience of focus on their occult aspect, and since this was their ideological centre which fuelled their ideas and actions, it astonishingly ignorant how any attention in this direction was excluded. Everything instead explained in relation to such phenomena as WW1, economic depression etc.

  3. Yes, Andrew, it is interesting that comparatively little serious attention has been paid to Hitler's fondness for the occult. (It was, of course, the basis for Raiders of the Lost Ark.

  4. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I need to see it again but I think also the last Indiana Jones film also, the Holy Grail one, also had the Nazis heavily involved.
