Thursday, July 12, 2007

Attention, authors!

Now, Maxine informs us, you can digitally (literally, i.e., using your fingers) create and publicize a book tour for yourself.


  1. Speaking about book tours:
    Isn't the INQUIRER a NEWSpaper? Isn't the purpose of this blog to present NEWS about the literary world?
    Yes? Good.
    Those who wish to hear a real debate about literature, wherein NEW ideas about literature are presented, will check out the link on today's post on my blog. The post concerns a radio debate, about literature, which took place on WHYY-FM yesterday in your town. Your newspaper was apparently not aware of this.
    Whatever the studio changes which occurred, the taped event remains a stimulating discussion. Your readers may just possibly want to check it out.
    You're welcome.

  2. (p.s. That's the "Demi-Puppets" blog.)
    Speaking of book tours-- don't miss the one next week coming through this town. You'll have the opportunity to witness the genuine article.
