Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bryan weighs in ...

... Creationism and the Royal Society.

I defer to Bryan on this because I know he knows a heck of a lot more about science than I do. Also, it does seem better to take the time to explain to someone what is wrong with a given view than forbidding that the view be discussed.


  1. Anonymous3:43 PM

    What I hate is the way the media went for Prof Reiss, misquoted him or quoted him out of context, and now the poor guy has resigned. (Scientists being a nobler bunch, on the whole, than politicians or bankers.)
    The whole incident reflects very badly on the media, but then what is new?

  2. Wow, un-flippin'-believable. What's new, now, next?

    Big Brother Is Catching :(.

    (Ain't that the truth . . . Ain't that a shame in this horrific kind of idiotically hurtful game?)
