Wednesday, October 08, 2008

A Pre-B-D'eh Prezzie 4 Frank . . .

The Tangled Legacy of Jacques Brel

He was the most popular French language singer ever, but an auction of his papers has exposed the acrimony left behind after his death.

p.s. Talk non-sequiturns; but, I didn't miss the epitaph you cited, "Pass a cold eye . . ." etc.; however, it could equally apply to our dear Brel :(


  1. Thanks for that, Judith. I was wondering about the source of the memerobilia.

  2. I meant, of course, memorabilia. Geez!

  3. Heh, me-me-robilia? Too mush, I just stole it :)! That was prolly exactly what Agamemnon was thinking when Clytaemnestra did the dirty deed in the bath; he was wondering where his-his red-red robe went :)! Ta!

    Love, Geez
    p.s. You know we're celebrating your b-day with an election, of course (but; don't get your hypes up for a majority government here, eh)?
