Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Category errors ...

... The spirit of party in criticism. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Odd, it had not occurred to me that David was a conservative. Is that because I am one, I wonder. (Though the older I get, the less these categories seem to mean anything. I have usually thought of myself as a 19th-century liberal. Judging by this, I am definitely not a 21st- century liberal. And I agree with Glenn.)


  1. Anonymous4:28 PM

    The Conservative party was set up "to conserve that which is good". I am not sure that its modern incarnation maintains that philosophy. (I am sure the same applies to other political parties.)

  2. Yeah, I'm afraid you're right, Maxine. Albert Jay Nock points out in his Memoirs of a Superfluous Man that the one thing you could count on with and Old Tory was that there were certain things he just wouldn't do. I'm not sure there are any Old Tories left, I fear (myself excepted, of course).
